The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection | NY


    Annual Congregational Meeting


    Come to our Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday June 11th after the 9:30am worship service. Our ministry leaders will have time to share their accomplishments over the last year with the congregation. A potluck breakfast will be...

      Mother's Day Brunch


      Mother’s Day Breakfast Prepared by the LCR Men -Sunday, May 14th Mark your calendars! Please join us for a special Mother’s Day breakfast on May 14th between worship services. The men of LCR will be hosting a lovely...

        Lenten Soup Suppers


        Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent at 6pm for a soup supper to deepen your Lenten devotion in fellowship and prayer.  There will be a sign-up on the fellowship board. We will need donations of soup, salad or bread.  Please come and be a...

          Homeless Sheltering - November 7th-13th


          Since 2006, Resurrection has been a proud hosting congregation for our local homeless brothers & sisters for one week each year during the winter season. The congregation needs your help to make our ESP week happen. This year our hosting week...

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