The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection | NY


Homeless Sheltering - November 7th-13th


Homeless Sheltering - November 7th-13th

    Since 2006, Resurrection has been a proud hosting congregation for our local homeless brothers & sisters for one week each year during the winter season. The congregation needs your help to make our ESP week happen. This year our hosting week is Nov. 7-13...right before Thanksgiving. What better and more rewarding way to give thanks for the good things we have by helping someone with less. WAYS YOU CAN HELP: Serve as an overnight host (alongside the ESP staffer who stays can sleep!), contribute a hot dinner meal, beverages or breakfast items. The ESP sign-up board is in the church lounge. Please consider stopping by during coffee hour and contribute to our ESP week...even in some small way. Your care and attention to this ministry is great appreciated!